Sunset in Marfa, TX. The Marfa lights or the Marfa ghost lights are unexplained lights (known as "ghost lights") usually seen near U.S. Route 67 on Mitchell Flat east of Marfa, Texas. The first published account of the lights was written in 1957, and this article is the sole source for anecdotal claims that the lights date back to the 1800s. Reports often describe brightly glowing basketball sized spheres floating above the ground, or sometimes high in the air. Colors are usually described as white, yellow, orange or red, but green and blue are sometimes reported.
Sunset in Marfa, TX. The Marfa lights or the Marfa ghost lights are unexplained lights (known as "ghost lights") usually seen near U.S. Route 67 on Mitchell Flat east of Marfa, Texas. Reports often describe brightly glowing basketball sized spheres floating above the ground, or sometimes high in the air. The balls are said to hover at about shoulder height, or to move laterally at low speeds, or sometimes to shoot around rapidly in any direction. They often appear in pairs or groups, according to reports, to divide into pairs or merge together, to disappear and reappear, and sometimes to move in seemingly regular patterns. Their sizes are typically said to resemble soccer balls or basketballs.
Hessdalen Project field station in Hessdalen, Norway. Project Hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983 after people witnessed strange orbs of light hovering above the ground and in the night sky. A field investigation was carried out between January 21st and February 26th in 1984. Fifty-three light observations were made during the field investigation.
A road in Hessdalen, Norway, where numerous mystery light sightings have occurred. Project Hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983 after people witnessed strange orbs of light hovering above the ground and in the night sky. A field investigation was carried out between January 21st and February 26th in 1984. Fifty-three light observations were made during the field investigation.
Storm clouds roll over the hills of the Hessdalen Valley of Norway. Project Hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983 after people witnessed strange orbs of light hovering above the ground and in the night sky. A field investigation was carried out between January 21st and February 26th in 1984. Fifty-three light observations were made during the field investigation.
Scientists with the Hessdalen Project in Norway work late into the night. Project Hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983 after people witnessed strange orbs of light hovering above the ground and in the night sky. A field investigation was carried out between January 21st and February 26th in 1984. Fifty-three light observations were made during the field investigation.
Professor Erling Strand being interviewed in the Hessdalen Valley. People have witnessed strange orbs of light hovering above the ground and in the night sky in the valley.
NASA scientists in Moffett Field, CA prepare to conduct an experiment simulating tectonic forces on a slab of granite.

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